What’s Your Word of the Year? (Here’s Mine)


For the past few years I’ve practiced my own personal New Year’s tradition:

On January 1, I pick a word for the year and write it on my bathroom mirror — where it stays for the next 365 days.

I write the word in bold, blue Sharpie and position it so that whenever I look in the mirror, I see it just above my head (or, if I’m standing with particularly good posture, as if it’s written directly on my forehead).

Each time I see the word, it reinforces its meaning, its power, and its role in my life — so I’m careful to choose a word that I want to embody throughout the year ahead.

In 2013 I picked the word FINISH.

That was a time when I had numerous projects in various stages of incompletion. I wanted to reinforce my commitment to (you guessed it) finish them.

And, for the most part, it worked! I finished several Soulful Journals, ecourses, and other projects I’d been in the midst of.

There was one problem, however: As I focused on finishing, I kept finding myself either looking forward (to the time when a project would be finished) or looking backward (often with relief at having finished a project, but still looking back — which is not exactly the Zen-like, be-here-now approach I’d like to live by).

So I made my word for 2014 HERE.

This word (which graced my bathroom mirror until two weeks ago) reminded me that life isn’t happening in the future or the past, but right here and now. The frequent reminder served as an antidote to a tendency I’ve had most of my life: looking into the future, thinking that my “real life” was waiting just around the corner.

While there’s certainly nothing wrong with reflecting on your past or looking eagerly into the future, I didn’t want to miss the ever-present now.

And again, for the most part, the blue-Sharpied word drove home that point — again and again and again — throughout the year.

And that leads me to (once again) here and now.

I find myself in a place where I’d like to integrate the concepts from the last two years — to find a way of looking ahead and moving forward, without rushing past the present.

I want to allow my future to flow into my present — joyously and naturally. I want to appreciate the present without stagnating. I want to make progress and enjoy the process.

So my word of the year for 2015 is…

… (drumroll) …


In addition to everything I mentioned above, this word has significance for me on many levels:

  • It embodies a core metaphor of the Abraham-Hicks teachings: downstream — going with the flow of life rather than fighting against the current.
  • It offers a feeling of progress without strivingallowing rather than forcing; experiencing effortless, natural, and joyous forward motion.
  • It embodies my ideal mode of work/action — getting into the flow of whatever I’m doing and enjoying the state of being “in the zone,” regardless of the action.
  • And it provides a feeling of relief — the sense of “aaahhh.” 🙂

I’m already enjoying looking at my word every day, knowing that each successive viewing further imprints the meaning, the energy, and the feeling that it embodies. And I look forward to following the flow of this process — allowing it to flow into my conscious, my subconscious, and every aspect of my life.

And I hope (and expect) that a year from now I’ll be able to report that it’s done just that!

What’s YOUR word of the year?

Do you have a one-word theme or motto that you’d like to embody throughout 2015? I would definitely encourage you to pick a word that fits the life you’d like to create, and to reinforce it in any way that feels right to you.

Get creative, have fun, and let the word work its magic on you. You’ll be amazed at how much one little word can change your entire year…and your life!

I’d love to hear your word, how you incorporate it into your life, or any other thoughts you’d like to share about this process. Let the comments flow! 🙂


3 thoughts on “What’s Your Word of the Year? (Here’s Mine)

  1. Great article Dan! Last year my word was ‘truth’ and boy did it come up in many ways I did not anticipate. I thought I was looking for the truth about what I am here to do, my purpose. But, instead I received how I was lying to myself and others about my true soul’s desires. What a great learning year for me. My word for 2015 is ‘goddess’ and this will be a year of practicing self care, establishing boundaries and stepping into my highest self. Thank you for your continued inspiration. You and Jodi rock!!!

    • Thank you so much, Colleen. I’m so glad that you’ve experienced the power of a yearly word — even (or especially?) if it takes on an unexpected twist! And as you know, the more you know what you don’t want, the more you know what you DO want — so recognizing lies is a huge step on the road to your soul’s truth! I hope that this is truly a year of goddess-worthy self-care, elevation, and inspiration for you! Thanks for writing — and please feel free to “drop in” any time! 🙂

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